Homebase (Draft)
Mobile App. Platform for individuals experiencing housing insecurity to find and access resources.
CirrusCentral: Mobile Application
UI Designer. Mobile App giving first responders the ability too quickly and efficiently located data for any given network.
Motorola Solutions
Illinois Admissions
Graphic Designer. Designed material for the University of Illinois, for both print and web, aimed toward prospective and incoming students. Projects were team-based; designing booklets, books, web-pages, murals, promotional videos and more.
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
UI designer. Mobile App designed to encourage general population in higher education &empower female students in STEM to consider and speak up about the current issues involving women in STEM. Spark conversations by mediating discussions regarding problems, accomplishments, and news surrounding lives of women in STEM.
Ninth Letter
Typographer. “Ninth Letter” issue 16:2, is an award-winning arts and literary journal. The book revolved around experimental design and typography. Literary content is decided by the University of Illinois’ English Department.
Ninth Letter
UX/UI Designer. Water bottle designed to help health and environmental issues. This water bottle is accompanied by a mobile application that tracks the amount of water one drinks during a day, week, month and year. Additionally, calculates how many plastic water bottles have been saved.
Command Central ‘Help’
UX/UI Designer. “CirrusCentral Management is a modern system management suite built for radio systems. With an intuitive user-friendly interface, it helps you keep your radio system operating at peak performance.”
My Role on this project was to optimize the “help” function within this application
Motorola Solutions